Monday, March 21, 2011

Window Facts

The Window Man prides itself on educating customers about windows and doors for commercial and residential properties.

FACT #1:
Yes, we are the educational window company! Did you know that most window companies prefer to sell one particular brand of window because...well, because that's the ONLY brand of window they carry! Did you know that every home has unique window needs? Sound abatement, view, energy efficiency, material type -- these are just a few critical points each individual homeowner must consider. Every home has its own unique character, so choosing the right window for your home is important. Did you know that The Window Man carries 15 of America's top brands? Our windows can be made from every available material, come in any color you can imagine and will increase energy efficiency. The Window Man...we educate, you decide.

FACT #14:
VINYL WINDOWS MOVE. We know what you're thinking. "So, what does that mean to me?" Well, vinyl expands and contracts as much as ten times more than other window materials. You must know the AAMA Air Infiltration Rating of your vinyl window. That great summer window might be a lousy winter window, wasting energy and money.

FACT #19:
To foam-fill or not to foam-fill -- that is the question! Today, many vinyl windows include some form of insulation in the frame members. Injection foam-filling is generally the most energy efficient, since it completely fills the frame cavities...when properly installed. Manually installed, ridged foam pieces are better than nothing, so choose to have those installed, if nothing else, when staying within budget is critical. Your attic and walls are insulated to increase your home's energy efficiency, so make sure that your window frames and sashes are too!

FACT #21:
Shhh...We sell peace & quiet. Everyone could use a little bit of golden silence in their lives, right? Well, three letters are the key to increasing your home's solitude and preventing outdoor noise pollution from entering your home: S.T.C. Sound Transmission Class ratings tell you how well a window performs in blocking noise. The Window Man sells the nation's highest-rated S.T.C. windows, and these beauties will look just perfect on your historic district home. Come visit our Alexandria showroom (Route 1) - the area's only acoustical showroom...Come hear the difference!

Which Low-E Option is Right For You? Choosing the right Low-E for your home is critical to maximizing energy efficiency. Hard coat, soft coat, Low-E squared or Low-E cubed? Many brands only offer one Low-E option, which may be fine for Florida or Minnesota, but in this region "Solar Tuning" to maximize your windows' performance is something you need to consider. Passive-solar heat gain in the winter can be an enormous energy saver, but you will no get that with Low-E cubed, 365, 366, or Solar Bane 70. Ask us about "Solar Tuning" your home.

FACT #32:
Are They Four-Pt. Fusion Welded? Are your windows four-point fusion welded? And if so, are both the frame and sash welded? These should be two of the first questions asked by any vinyl window shopper. Sadly, and surprisingly, many window companies still use outdated, inefficient mechanical windows. With mechanical windows, there is only one question to ask -- not will these windows begin to leak, waste energy and become unreliable, but when will they? With The Window Man, you'll find only four-point, fusion-welded, vinyl replacement windows. And our windows still cost less than many of the other companies' inferior windows.

FACT #33:
Which Material is Right for Your Home? Every home is different. One-story ranch, two-story colonial, brick, vinyl-sided, downtown, historic district? These are all factors that must be considered when purchasing windows. We offer vinyl, wood, aluminum, wood-clad, fiberglass, and now, even composite windows. Nobody provides a better window selection than The Window Man. We educate, you decide.

FACT #41:
Oops! What codes & ordinances? At The Window Man we are actually aware of all federal, state and local remodeling codes, including the recently-passed EPA Lead-Safe legislation. This new law requires all contractors, remodelers and anyone involved in home renovations to be certified as an EPA Lead-Safe company. Anyone considering replacement windows (especially those in the Historic District) needs to verify that the company you're considering will not only meet, but ultimately surpass required code specifications. After all, you don't want your new windows installed twice, do you? We've installed millions of window over the last 21 years -- you can trust us!

FACT #66:
Great Window? Who said so? Has the window you're considering for purchase been tested for energy-efficiency, durability and functionality? Is it maintenance-free and easy to operate? Does it include a strong, easy-to-understand warranty? How does it stand up to solar UV rays, noise and air infiltration? Well, unless your window has been tested and certified by AAMA, the NFRC and is Energy Star compliant, you don't know. Many window companies install windows that have NO certification of ANY kind. We don't! Our selection, quality and value will amaze you.

To learn more about windows, visit the Education section of The Window Man's website or stop by any of our three area showrooms.