Monday, March 17, 2008

Worried About Condensation? Replace Your Windows!

We’re all concerned with creating tighter envelopes in our homes these days. (An envelope is basically a seal around your home so air conditioning can’t escape in summer and heat in winter.) But that same tight seal that translates into energy efficiency also means moist air can’t escape, creating condensation in your home and putting you at risk for mold and mildew problems. Condensation, or an excess of water vapor, develops anytime moist warm air comes into contact with a cold surface. This condensation can damage your plaster walls, form blisters along exterior paint and damage your interior paint job.

Some conditions that affect condensation include: your home may have poor ventilation; your HVAC system may need to be updated or its ducts resealed; your insulation may need to be replaced.

But here are six practical steps you can take to control excess humidity and condensation in your home:

1. Replace older windows with new insulated glass.

2. Make sure that louvers in your attic or basement crawl space are open enough to provide adequate ventilation.

3. Use ventilation fans in your kitchen longer than you normally would to ensure cooking vapors are dispersed.

4. Turn off your furnace’s humidifier.

5. Open your fireplace damper to allow moisture to escape.

6. Use a dehumidifier to reduce moisture.