Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Evaluating structural, air infiltration & other performance issues

AMMA and NWWDA ratings have set test specifications standards for windows and doors. AAMA stands for American Architectural Manufacturers Association, while NWWDA stands for National Wood Window and Door Association. AMMA and NWWDA standards work by defining four mandatory performance requirements for a completely fabricated window:

* Structural integrity to withstand wind loads
* Resistance to Water Leakage
* Resistance to air infiltration
* Forced Entry resistance

Actual windows are tested by independent labs and graded by their "Design Pressure" performance. Click here to see a table that shows the minimum Performance Grade required for each class.

To learn more about the perfect window or door for your residential or commercial renovation or new construction, stop by any of The Window Man's three area showrooms in Northern Virginia.